Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why you shouldn't let your kids watch ROOTS

Today we were at the park, and there was another little boy there who looked about six years old. This little boy decided to pretend that Jafta was his slave. He would order him around, saying things like "hey slave, get over here". At first I thought I heard him wrong. But no. He definitely had the slave concept down.

I think this MAY take the cake on awkward racial experiences for me. Well, maybe it's a close second to the time a lady approached me at the farmer's market to tell me that her daughter had a negro baby, too. Yes, she actually used that word.

Anyhoo, just a good reminder to be vigilant about what our kids watch. So if you are in need of a Patrick Swayze fix and decide to order up the North & South miniseries on Netflix, do me a favor and wait until your kids are down.


Anonymous said...

WOW OMG! What did you do? DId you talk to the parent? I am not even sure what I have done I am so shocked right now even with a few minutes to think about it! Did you talk to the parent?

Anonymous said...

btw I got to your blog through google alert

The Color of Family said...

I really love what you have to say, I wanted to invite you and everyone else to check out my page The Color of Family on Facebook. We are a group of transracial families, dedicated to educating and supporting each other. You'll find a link on my blogspot. :)Thanks