Sunday, June 1, 2008

Why I am Unabashedly Pro-Obama

I don't really have much political alliance to any party. I feel that both parties are polarized and neither represents my values across the board. But I am seriously pulling for Obama, in a crazy-obsessed kind of way. Not because he's the best candidate (though he may be). My allegiance is based on pure, illogical emotion. Because really, I am wanting him to win because he is Black.

Raising a Black son, I feel that there are so few positive role models for him. I mean, name five famous Black people. How many of those people that come to mind are upstanding citizens that you would want your kid to emulate? So I dream about what it would be like for my son to see an African American man as the president as he grows up. The PRESIDENT. The leader of the free world. What possibilities will he think himself capable of under that example? How would this shape his view of Black men? How would this shape his view of himself?

I have no idea how an Obama presidency will shape our country, but I have high hopes for how it might shape my son.

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